Story of the Animal Production Research Centre Nitra Print

The Animal Production Research Centre is the successor of following research organizations:
Institute for Apiculture, Liptovský Hrádok (established in 1929),
Institute for Sheep Husbandry, Trenčín (established in 1935),
Research Institute for Animal Production, Nitra (established in 1947),
Research Institute for Poultry Breeding and Selection, Ivánka pri Dunaji (established in 1951),
Laboratory of Fishery and Hydrobiology (established in 1956),
Slovak Agricultural Research Centre (established in 2006).

Prof. MVDr. L. Landau, full member of SAS
1950 - 1952
Prof. Ing. J. Laurinčík, CSc.
1952 - 1954
Ing. J. Nvota, DrSc.
1954 - 1959
Prof. Ing. J. Plesník, DrSc.
1959 - 1990
Prof. MVDr. V. Uhrín, DrSc.
1990 - 1991
Prof. Ing.A. Sommer, DrSc.
vicarious dir. 12/91 – 01/92
Prof. Ing. L. Hetényi, PhD.
1992 - 2005
Prof. Ing. Š. Mihina, PhD.
2006 - 2007
Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Ján Rafay, PhD.
2007 - 2009
Ing. Janka Beresecká
2009 - 2010
Mgr. Dana Peškovičová, PhD.
since 02/2010 up to this time

The Animal Production Research Centre Nitra is a scientific and research organization of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic (thereinafter MA SK). Its activities are performed on the whole territory of the Slovak Republic. The Animal Production Research Centre started on 1st February 2009 by the decision of the Ministry of Agricultural of the Slovak Republic No. 2316/2008-100 from 31.01.2009.
The main purpose of the centre is to find complex scientific and research solutions of problems in the sphere of biology and breeding farm animals in form of goal oriented fundamental and applied research up to the verification of realization in the user’s sphere. The basic objective and subject of activity is the scientific and research work and special extension in the sphere of breeding farm animals. The centre is a complex integrated workplace of the departmental research basis in Slovakia in the sphere of zootechnics.
Within the framework of the scientific and research activities of the centre there are applied and developed the following disciplines: genetics, biochemistry, embryology, ethology, applied mathematical statistics, economy. The main objective of the centre is to solve the tasks of science and technical development for the branch of animal production, mainly in the sphere of breeding, nutrition and feeding, conservation and treatment of feeds, biotechnology, reproduction, ethology, technology and ecologization of husbandry, biology and technique of breeding farm animals, quality of meat, milk, wool, economy of breeding and production in animals. Further activity of the centre is aimed at the creation of scientific programmes, concepts and prognoses in the sphere of animal production, expertise and extension work as well as education of scientific and professional workers.

Further tasks of the centre are first of all:

  • processing of scientific and research knowledge into integrated bases for their utilization in practice, and participation in their realization,

  • conceptualizing, analytical-prognostic and expert activities within the mission and range of commission,

  • systematic observation of scientific and technical progress at home and abroad and its utilization in scientific and research as well as realization activities,

  • concern about scientific and professional education of own employees as well as employees of other organizations,

  • participation in pedagogical activities of universities as well as within postgraduate education of employees of the department within the framework of the purpose of the centre,

  • publication of scientific and professional works in institutional, native and foreign periodicals, collected papers and other publications,

  • organization of native and international scientific and professional events,

  • support of close scientific and research cooperation with scientific and research basis in the SK, universities and agricultural enterprises as well as development of international scientific and technical cooperation,

  • publication of scientific and research as well as professional periodical and non-periodical publications dealing with the subject of activity,

  • special extension activity for the decision-making sphere, for legal and natural persons in the entrepreneurial sphere, as well as for biological and technical services within the subject of activity.
